• Born - April 3, 2020

  • Height - 24”

  • Weight - 53 lbs

  • PennHip - LH .19/RH .19

  • OFA Elbows - Normal

  • OFA Eyes - Normal

  • Cardiac - Normal/Clear

  • DNA:

    • Cone Degeneration - Clear

    • Von Willebrands - Clear

  • Coat - Medium Dense Medium Harsh

  • NAVHDA Test Results:

    • NA Prize I, 112 pts

    • UT Prize III, 176 pts

  • AKC Test Results:

    • MH

    • JHR


You know you’re singing “na na na na na na na na, THUNDER” in your head (or maybe even out loud)! And though that may not be the song he was named after, it definitely has become his theme song, because we are Thunderstruck! This boy has been impressing us with his drive, desire, independence, natural ability, and trainability from the beginning!

It all started with shooting a video of what not to do with your puppy (the famous “wing on a string” drill)! When he locked up on that wing for the first time, we were like “WOW”, now that’s one impressive-looking pup! From there we were impressed with his never quit, retrieve-all-day attitude. Then when we went to work with him on obedience training and house manners he learned so quickly and could settle down and behave like one of the big dogs! Who are we kidding? Somedays he behaves even better than one of the big dogs in the house!

Speaking of acting like one of the big dogs, on our first hunting trip to Montana of the year we decided to bring Thunder with us, just to tag along! We put him on the ground and he immediately started hunting independently of the other dogs! He didn’t need to follow the pack of older, more experienced dogs, at just 5 months old he was already hunting for himself, covering ground, and he made his first sharptail retrieve! Afterward, we decided that with very little actual training, other than collar conditioning to recall, a bird intro, and gunfire intro, he should go with Ethan and help guide hunts in SD. So at 6 months old, he made Ethan’s guide string. Not only did he make the guide string, but he also added to it, pointing his own birds, retrieving to hand naturally, and tracking and finding cripples that were missed by some of the other dogs on the ground!

After coming back from guiding, he continues to blow us away with his trainability and we look forward to the impressive retriever and upland dog he will become. Not to mention he gets along so well with all the other dogs in our pack, behaves so well in the house, and is such a sweet boy with our son, Aiden. Pretty much the complete package if you ask us!

So in just a few short months, he has shown us a glimpse of the potential this guy is going to have when he hits his peak in maturity, training, and experience! To say that we can’t wait would be an understatement. We know this boy has what it takes to be the next best thing our breeding program has produced! He is definitely an improvement on everything that has come before him and that is always the goal in a good breeding program.