• Born - November 2, 2021

  • Height - 24”

  • Weight - 58 lbs

  • PennHip - LH .25/RH .22

  • OFA Elbows - Normal

  • OFA Eyes - Normal

  • DNA:

    • Cone Degeneration - Clear

    • Von Willebrands - Clear

  • Coat - Medium Dense Medium Harsh

  • NAVHDA Test Results:

    • NA Prize III, 106 pts

  • AKC Test Results:


Doc’s calm, gentle disposition and incredibly sweet personality is offset by his fire in the field. 

He is very well-behaved in the house and loves and respects our little boys. He reminds us so much of his momma Quest, in that regard. He is happy to relax calmly on his dog bed all day or snuggle on the couch in the evenings. Doc’s house manners and incredible livability is exactly what we look for out of our dogs in the home. 

But of course, we don’t want to sacrifice hunting ability and instinct for calmness in the house. And with Doc we have such a great blend of the two. He is fast and flashy in the field and covers ground with style, just like his daddy, Thunder. Thunder also has passed on his incredible natural retrieving desire and drive to Doc, who is an exceptional natural retriever. As well as he is extremely trainable, which is something we love about his daddy, Thunder too!

This dog has the traits both in the house and in the field that we are breeding for and he has so much potential we can’t wait to work with the puppies he will produce.